Epidural hematoma adalah pdf download

Since bleeding is under artertial pressure, the hematoma may expand rapidly. Sebagai contoh,benturan kepala saat terjatuh, kecelakaan kendaraan, kecelakaan saat berolahraga seperti olahraga tinju. Epidural hematoma is the accumulation of blood in the space between dura and bone in the cranial or spinal region. Epidural hematoma adalah kondisi di mana darah masuk dan menumpuk pada ruang yang ada di antara tulang tengkorak dan lapisan yang menyelimuti otak atau disebut dura. Penatalaksanaan perioperatif epidural hematoma karena pijat. Start studying subdural hematoma vs epidural hematoma. Epidural haematoma it is a collection of blood between the potential space that exists between the inner table of skull and the dura periosteal layer.

Oct 27, 2016 epidural hematoma edh is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the strippedoff dural membrane. The reported incidence of delayed epidural hematoma varies from 5. It can occur when a traumatic force applied to the head is sufficient to cause a deformity of the skull and damage to the underlying middle meningeal artery. Pasien akan merasakan nyeri punggung yang hebat dan defisit neurologi yang persisten setelah anestesi epidural. The possibility of a delayed epidural hematoma should be kept in mind in the presence of additional findings such as a skull fracture contralateral to the original lesion or decompression of the epidural hematoma into either the subgaleal or the subarachnoid space. Occurrence of simultaneous extradural hematoma edh and acute subdural hematoma sdh after single trauma and on the same side is a rare occurrence. In our study, pedh was defined as an appearance of new hematoma, or a 25% or more unequivocal increase in the size of hematoma during hospitalization. The traumatic epidural hematoma tedh volume is often used to assist in tedh treatment planning and outcome prediction. Edh results from traumatic head injury, usually with an associated skull fracture and arterial laceration.

Etiologi 1,2,3,4,6 epidural hematom terjadi akibat suatu trauma kepala, biasanya disertai dengan fraktur pada tulang tengkorak dan adanya laserasi arteri. Feb 28, 2019 hematoma epidural biasanya terjadi akibat trauma atau cedera lainyang terjadi pada kepala anda. Epidural hematoma is usually found on the same side of the brain that was impacted by the blow, but on very rare occasions it can be due to a contrecoup injury. This condition is an extremely rare postoperative complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt and contralateral. A ct scan of an acute subdural hematoma reveals a convex highdensity collection overlying the brain fig.

Epidural hematoma is a topic covered in the diseases and disorders to view the entire topic, please sign in or purchase a subscription nursing central is an awardwinning, complete mobile solution for nurses and students. Epidural hematoma edh is one of the most life threatening lesion in patients with craniocerebral trauma. The operative finding was epidural hematoma at the t4t6 level. Typical symptoms are due to compression of the brain and appear after a lucid interval that follows an initial loss of consciousness. Epidural hematoma gejala, penyebab dan mengobati alodokter. Subdural hematoma sdh and epidural hematoma edh are characterized by bleeding into the spaces surrounding the brain or spinal cord. This patient had a spinal epidural hematoma, which is defined as a spontaneous collection of blood in the spinal epidural space. The practice guidelines for obstetric anesthesia published by the american society of anesthesiologists recommended epidural analgesia for labor pain. Development of delayed epidural hematoma citeseerx. Puerperal ventral epidural hematoma after epidural labor. Mortality is largely due to increased intracranial pressure and herniation.

Epidural hematoma definition of epidural hematoma by. Epidural hematoma in emergency medicine differential diagnoses. An epidural hematoma can be diagnosed using advanced imaging technologies. The inciting event often is a focused blow to the head, such as that produced by a hammer or baseball bat.

Apa tanda dan gejala jika seseorang mengalami epidural hematoma. Previous studies have proposed different variations of abc2. A subdural hematoma subdural hematoma sdh is a form of traumatic brain injury in which blood gathers between the dura the outer protective covering of the brain and the arachnoid the middle layer of the meninges. Pendahuluan epidural hematom edh adalah suatu akumulasi atau penumpukan darah akibat trauma yang berada diantara tulang tengkorak bagian dalam dan lapisan membrane duramater, keadaan tersebut biasanya sering mendorong atau menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan intrakranial yang akibatnya kepala seperti dipukul palu atau alat pemukul baseball. Diagnosis is by mri or, if not immediately available, by ct myelography. Doc laporan pendahuluan epidural hematoma edh desti. Traumatic extradural haematoma edh is a neurosurgical emergency and timely surgical. Epidural hematoma is a rapidly accumulating mass of blood, usually clotted, or a swelling confined to the space between the skull and the dura mater. Blood serological study for gnathostomiasis using the immunoblotting technique was positive for the 24kda antigenic band. It is usually found in the temporoparietal region where a skull fracture will cross the path of the middle meningeal artery or the dural branches. Epidural hematoma edh is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the stripped off dural membrane. Hematoma epidural adalah perdarahan intrakranial yang terjadi karena fraktur tulang tengkorak akibat cedera kepala dimana terdapat akumulasi darah dalam.

Learn epidural hematoma with free interactive flashcards. Spinal edh is most commonly spontaneous venous bleeds, often in the setting of coagulopathy or overanticoagulation. The dura mater also covers the spine, so epidural bleeds may. Epidural hematoma occurs as a result of head trauma and subsequent acute hemorrhage, primarily from the middle meningeal artery between the skull and the dura mater. The vascular structures mentioned above, especially the middle meningeal artery, can be compromised in this setting, leading to bleeding and hematoma formation. Gejalagejala hematoma epidural tergantung pada tingkat keparahannya. Surgical management surgical evacuation of the subdural hematoma under ga 18. Subdural hematoma atau juga disebut perdarahan subdural adalah kondisi di mana darah menumpuk di antara 2 lapisan di otak. An epidural hematoma occurs when a mass of blood forms in the space between your skull and the protective covering of your brain.

Laporan pendahuluan epidural hematoma disusun untuk memenuhi laporan pendahuluan clinical study 2 departemen emergency di rst dr. Epidural hematoma, also called extradural hematoma, a type of head injury involving bleeding into the space between the skull and the dura mater, the outermost layer of the protective structures surrounding the brain. Spinal subdural or epidural hematoma neurologic disorders. Two cases of such epidural hematomas that developed after evacuation of contralateral. The dura mater also covers the spine, so epidural bleeds may also occur in the spinal column. Epidural hematoma free download as powerpoint presentation. Pasien didorong ke kamar operasi dengan kepala lebih. Epidural hematomas definition of epidural hematomas by.

Sdhs form between the dura and the arachnoid membranes edhs arise in the potential space between the dura and the skull. This is not a direct indication as to how commonly these diseases are the actual cause of epidural hematoma, but gives a relative idea as to how frequent these diseases are seen overall 1 disease that is very rare. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Epidural dimaksudkan untuk organ yang berada disisi luar duramater dan hematoma dimaksudkan sebagai masa dari darah.

Delayed epidural hematoma after evacuation of a subdural. Blood vessels in close proximity to the fracture are the sources of hemorrhage in the formation of an epidural hematoma. The membrane covering the brain is not as closely attached to the skull as it is in older people and children younger than 2 years. This technology is commonly used to diagnose the location and size of the epidural hematoma. Epidural hematoma edh is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the strippedoff dural membrane. Correlation of severe head injury epidural hematoma trepanation respond time.

An epidural hematoma edh is bleeding between the inside of the skull and the outer covering of the brain called the dura. A spinal subdural or epidural hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the subdural or epidural space that can mechanically compress the spinal cord. Hematoma epidural y subdural by azael limon on prezi. Pdf subdural hematoma after an epidural blood patch. The morbidity and mortality result from mass effect on the brain as the hematoma expands and strips the dura away from the skull. Skull fractures were seen on ct in 30 patients 61%. This management policy needs a close observation of the patient, both clinical and imagistic, as it is well known that even a previously stable patients state. Cari tahu informasi medis lengkap dan terverifikasi tentang gejala, penyebab, cara mengobati, dan mencegah subdural hematoma di hello sehat.

An epidural hematoma forms when the head impact is of sufficient force to either pull the meninges away from the inner table of the skull or cause a skull fracture. Another test that may be used is the magnetic resonance imaging mri scan. Unlike in epidural hematomas, which are usually caused by tears in arteries, subdural bleeding usually results from tears in. Delayed epidural hematomas are not often seen in head injury victims. Epidural hematom adalah perdarahan intrakranial yang terjadi karena fraktur tulang tengkorak dalam ruang antara tabula interna kranii dengan duramater hematoma epiduralmerupakan gejala sisa yang serius akibat cedera kepala dan menyebabkan angka mortalitas sekitar 50%. An edh is often caused by a skull fracture during childhood or adolescence.

Look up information on diseases, tests, and procedures. Media in category epidural hematoma the following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. The authors estimated that the maximum risks for epidural haematoma were 1 in 1,700, 1 in 1,400 and 1 in 1,700 for epidural anaesthesia in cardiac, thoracic and vascular. Epidural hematoma knowledge for medical students and physicians. Epidural hematoma knowledge for medical students and. The hematoma is denser and homogenous so easily identified. Spinal epidural hematoma radiology reference article. Epidural hematoma terjadi pada 1% trauma kepala, insiden tertinggi terjadi pada usia 2030 tahun, jarang terjadi pada usia dibawah 2 tahun atau lebih dari 60 tahun, disebabkan dura yang melekat erat pada tabula interna skull. Trauma or other injury to your head can cause your brain to bounce. Epidural hematoma definition and patient education. Nov 02, 2015 epidural haematoma it is a collection of blood between the potential space that exists between the inner table of skull and the dura periosteal layer.

Kondisi ini dapat menjadi akut alias terjadi tibatiba, atau kronis alias muncul dengan perlahan. Similarly, we observed progressive epidural hematoma in 9. Penatalaksanaan perioperatif epidural hematoma karena pijat kepala pada bayi. Masuknya darah ke ruang tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya cedera kepala yang menimbulkan keretakan tulang tengkorak, kerusakan atau sobeknya lapisan dura, atau pembuluh darah otak. Epidural hematoma is a rare complication of neuraxial techniques, with an incidence ranging from 1. Subdural hematoma a subdural hematoma sdh is a form of traumatic brain injury in which blood gathers between the dura and the arachnoid. Choose from 51 different sets of epidural hematoma flashcards on quizlet. Traumatic epidural vs subdural hematoma school of medicine. Epidural hematoma an overview sciencedirect topics. The morbidity and mortality result from mass effect on the brain as the hematoma. Epidural hematoma is an indication for emergency neurosurgical intervention. Dec 18, 2012 in our study, pedh was defined as an appearance of new hematoma, or a 25% or more unequivocal increase in the size of hematoma during hospitalization. Hematoma epidural adalah suatu komplikasi yang sangat jarang dari anestesi epidural. In 8595% of patients, this type of trauma results in an overlying fracture of the skull.

Typical symptoms are due to compression of the brain and appear after a lucid interval that. A computerized tomography ct scan produces a detailed picture of the brain using xrays. All of the cases, with the exception of three, were diagnosed within. Extension of hematoma usually is limited by the suture lines owing to the light attachment of the dura at these locations continuation of periosteal layer of the dura with the pericranium. Visited 426 times, 1 visits today downloads pdf downloads. Epidural hematoma edh, also known as extradural hematoma, is a hemorrhage into the space between the dura and the overlying calvarium. Progressive epidural hematoma in patients with head trauma. Epidural hematoma is when bleeding occurs between the tough outer membrane covering the brain dura mater and the skull. A the regression line between the estimated traumatic epidural hematoma tedh volume values by a 1 b 1 c 0 and planimetry slope 0.

Epidural or extradural hematoma is a type of traumatic brain injury tbi in which a buildup of blood occurs between the dura mater the tough outer membrane of the central nervous system and the skull. Definisi epidural hematoma adalah hematoma antara tengkorak dan duramater. Trauma pada vena epidural menimbulkan koagulophati yang dapat menyebabkan suatu hematoma epidural yang besar. They are anatomically located in what is known as the extradural neural axis compartment, located between the dura propria visceral layer and periosteum.

Abc2 is a wellaccepted volume estimation method that can be used for tedh volume estimation. Download as pptx, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. The authors estimated that the maximum risks for epidural haematoma were 1 in 1,700, 1 in 1,400 and 1 in 1,700 for epidural anaesthesia in cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery, respectively. Often there is loss of consciousness following a head injury, a brief regaining of consciousness, and then loss of consciousness again. Apr 17, 2012 surgical management surgical evacuation of the subdural hematoma under ga 18.

This report considers 19 cases of bilateral epidural hematoma hospitalized between 1987 and 1997. Patients who have suffered from head injurytrauma are the prime suspect of the epidural hematoma. Traumatic brain injury, epidural hematoma, nonsurgical treatment, injury progression. Management of supratentorial epidural hematoma in children.

Ratna juwita 5070201111007 program studi ilmu keperawatan fakultas kedokteran universitas brawijaya malang 2017 a. Related risk factors and outcome of patients post trepanation. Epidural hematoma history trauma etiology laceration of middle meningeal artery finding lensbiconvex shape hyperdensity midline shift no cross suture mass effect ventricular compression displacement of grey white interface take home message. Subdural hematoma after an epidural blood patch article pdf available in international journal of obstetric anesthesia 212.

This information shows the various causes of epidural hematoma, and how common these diseases or conditions are in the general population. Traumatic ipsilateral acute extradural and subdural hematoma. The space occupied by epidural hematoma is limited by adherence of dura to the inner table of the skull, especially at the sutural lines, which contributes to the lenticular or biconvex appearance in the ct scan. Documentation of the interval between the initial loss of consciousness and the time of the impact and changes in the levels of consciousness is all part of the diagnosis the hematoma of the posterior fossa can cause rapid or delayed progression, depending on the impact, causing death of the. Other symptoms may include headache, confusion, vomiting, and an inability to move parts of the body. Supratentorial epidural hematoma in children paiva et al. Definisi epidural hematom adalah hematomperdarahan yang terletak. Hematoma epidural biasanya terjadi akibat trauma atau cedera lainyang terjadi pada kepala anda.